Fyling Aces

Haxsport RS Haxball - Team

Flying Aces Team Song:

1st Strophe:

That is a team its so nice,
we are flying aces we earn so many achives.

That is a name oh my god,
we not scared because our opponents not top.

We could win if we play an good role and kill the opponents there skill.
We are so well and have fun and we ne.......ver give up only ju...st ru........n.

-> And when we lost an game we think not bad
-> we starting new and being not afraid.


There is a way, for us to win
and on the end, we are the haxsport kings.
There is a game, we never lost,
because we only know how you will lost.

Bridge: Nana Nanananana, Nana, Nanananana

2nd Strophe

There's an Team oh my god,
its called 7even rsc but we will rock.

Platao there , he's my friend
I will catch his figure with my fucking hand.

And he can't play we are 4 ,
they are 3 we have no problem easy score.

Fire is on , we are hot,
we never thin_king o...n the field to stop.

-> And if someone is lagging oh my god, 
-> We change him out we'(h)ave the biggest squad.


There is a way, for us to win
and on the end, we are the haxsport kings.
There is a game, we never lost,
because we only know how you will lost.

Bridge: Nana Nanananana, Nana, Nanananana  | x3

There is a way, for us to win
and on the end, we are the haxsport kings.
There is a game, we never lost,
because we only know how you will lost. There is a way, for us to win

and on the end, we are the haxsport kings.
There is a game, we never lost,
because we only know how you will lost.  | x2 

Flying Aces Player Combination:

- Hikolontectacus(munds)

- krisicusilas

- kristecus

- edicotecmund

Have Fun and Good Luck!!!
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