

A few questions to the darling of the fans.
The first season is done. How confident are you with the last season? How were your emotions during and after?

I'm confident with last season. I won important 3rd place match. I was stressed about draws. After I was thinking about more training.
You mention your 3rd place that you got in last match of season. 4 players were able to get it in last match yet. 6th Place 11 points, 1st palce 18 points. How do you explain that? Is Division 1 all nearly same level?
Division 1 players are same level. It was 8 players but continued with 6 players. I defintetely think they could've taken some points away and then last place would look bad.
So how do you explain that performance of Sahneschnittchen, who won all cups possible (league , league cup, super cup) ? Superior wins or was it a bit lucky too ?
Sahne won some matches being as red or made it draw. I think no luck.
In last season we had the trend that players with the less goals conceded (yorkie,kris) ended up at last place. So for a win you should rather look for your own points instead of preventing goals against you?
Just win 25 more goals than opponent.
ok 1 question yet about last season, in your opininon, were there any suprises? positive or negative? What were your favourites?
Looking at standings and remembering expectations Ferenc. A solid start. My favourite was Tisq. Negative about player withdrawns.
Ok let's take a little preview to next season. Fans eagerly want to know Edmunds' opinion about the "favourites". Who do you think can get the title this season? What do you think about the 2 promoters (ferenc and tuntija) ?
Title will get Tisq. But I try to get it. 2 newcomers will take some big points.

Have Fun and Good Luck!!!
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