

The first season is done. How confident are you with the season? How were your emotions during and after?
I think it was nice season. However, I think it was sometimes quite difficult to reach players to play matches as forum wasn't used like it should have been (including me)
I'm happy that I reached promotion to 1st division

Fans remember, after you missed qualification for div 1 in the preseason cup, that you said "np, I win div2 and go to div 1". now, you didnt quite win, but could qualify with 2nd place. Was it as expected or did you fear a fail in div 2?
well, I didn't fear anything, as I was really confident that I can reach promotion
of cource everything is possible in a single curling match, but luckily I manage to keep mistakes minimum
Last question about last season. What do you say about Sahneschnittchen? He won all 3 cups (league winner, league cup winner, and super cup). Is he that superior or will he beaten next season?
well, like I said, everything is possible in a single curling match but that's definitely a really strong performance by him

ok last question: What can fans hope of tuntija in div 1? Is top 3 a realistic aim?
top-3 is realistic for sure
but I need full support from the fans

As player with biggest fan community you will surely get.
Ok good luck and have fun in next season.

Have Fun and Good Luck!!!
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